Saturday, May 8, 2010


Prof Veeravalli's calss on Deep Learning...
What is happiness he asks??
Not able to think anything better i utter "An emotionally high state"..his looks say he's not satisfied with the answer,as expected, and he moves on to someone else who has raised his hand..this continues till everyone who had raised their hands has had a try... but none are able to answer what he is expecting..he turns to the next slide on the big says
Its really that simple isn't it...if you are not convinced just rewind yourselves to the times when you have been jumped with joy...There was a discussion after that regarding whether we should lower our expectations and not be ambitious to which he answered quite convincingly but i am not going to discuss that..i m here just to share my joy at being a part of what will most certainly be in the coming 2-3 years one of the top 10 BSchools in the world..Great Lakes Institute of Management...Amazing faculty...excellent paedegogy and very good mix of students from various backgrounds with an avg GMAT score of 690...when i had zeroed in on the college i did have a fair amount of expectations but hats off to uncle Bala, Prof Sriram and all other faculties who just exceeded my expectations on every front...we have interacted with with the top CEO's of India within the first week of our arrival..had excellent team building activities..salsa lessons..mountain climbing..u name it..we have done it..and the focus on Indian values is what truly makes this college belong in the top is difficult to understand from the outside how Indian Values can play a part in management education..but once you are here all doubts will be cleared..It is evident in the faculties..the guest lecturers..the curriculum..everywhere..
I thank God that he helped me take the right decision and and financed my study...
Love u GOD