Friday, August 6, 2010

It's Rak..ingh

I have my end terms coming the day after and i am scratching my head trying to understand how activity based costing can save the world :)
What has forced me to leave that noble task aside is a lecture that i am going to forget the day i forget my name. Ok a bad PJ i accept. On a more serious note, today has been a helluva day. Occasion-Great Lakes Financial Inclusion conference.Boy, i have never loved lectures so much in my life. Day starts with Union Bank MD Mr Nair describing his bank's efforts and achievments on Financial Inclusion. Then C.Rangarajan, former RBI governor on his ideas to provide credit to the rural,small borrowers. He talked about the Business Correspondent model using which banks can penetrate deep into villages and also understand their borrower's needs better. Then the current Deputy governor of RBI Mr. Subir Gokaran and finally Mr. R Bhaskaran, director of Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. All the lectures were highly enlightning and i am not being politically correct here. But i have not yet come to the lecture i want to talk..oops..write about. That lecture was of our Macroeconomics professor Dr Rakesh Singh, who to make a long story short has been there done that and is by far one of the best professors i have ever been taught by. Today was his last lecture and by word was his last lecture is generally the best in his course. Coz on that day he and only he talks for 2 hours straight and by the end of it would have seen a movie on the Socio-Politi-Economic history of India since Independence. This was the first time i had seen a prof being forced to give a lecture.Dr. Singh agreed even though he had to catch a flight for Mumbai in a few hours.And believe me even though i went in with high expectations, the lecture surpassed them by a long way. It covered everything from Indian Independence,emphasis on agriculture, 130% growth in agriculture, green revolution, shift to industrialisation, PSU's, corruption,neglect of punjab and agriculture,nationalisation of banks, license raj and much much more. I wish i could write down all that he wanted to say..i tried to but gave up midway and focused instead on enjoying the free flowing lecture. He came up with the example of Ralegan Siddhi of Anne Hazare(google if u have not heard of either) fame and told us that many such experiments and innovations are happening in India and it is these that will take us into the next orbit. Leveraging on Agriculture, he emphasized, was the way to go for India. We will be feeding the world market in due course of time and our manufacturing will be based on agriculture. He finished his lecture and walked away to catch his flight not even noticing the standing ovation that took place as he left. I cam back from the lecture wiser and a with new aim in life, which i wiil share in due coursse of time. Thank you Dr. Rakesh Singh