Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shiva and Shankar are not the same

I had been thinking about this as to even if shiva and shankar are not the same why do we always take their name in the same breath. And why confuse shiva with shankar only.
Found this link to be very useful in answering some of these questions
Posting the contents of the link here for easy reference..

Shiva and Shankar - basic knowledge
It has been depicted here that actually Shiva is separate and Shankar is separate. By mistake we combined both of them. But it is not a mistake, but our misunderstanding. Due to this, the Brahma Kumars and Brahma Kumaris are entangled in that misunderstanding. Which misunderstanding took place? When the Supreme Soul, an incorporeal Point of Light [jyoti-bindu] comes in this world, he will definitely make someone equal to him and teach him. When he teaches, then a student would certainly emerge, who inculcates [understands] the knowledge cent percent. So that incorporeal Point of Light Shiva gets revealed in the world through this form of Shankar, and both become equal [as Shiva-Shankar]. You see, no one says that Shiva and Brahma are the same. Why the name of Brahma is not joined with Shiva? Why the name of Vishnu is not joined with Shiva? Why the name of only Shankar is joined with Shiva? It is joined because Shankar is so deeply immersed in the remembrance of Shiva that he immerses Shiva in him. The stage of merger, i.e., Shiva and Shankar are one, becomes famous all over the world. Actually, both are different souls. The Supreme Soul Shiva never comes into the cycle of birth and death. That is why his memorial is known as "Shiv-Ling [phallus like idol]. It is not known as "Shankar-Ling. His festival is known as "Shiv-Ratri [Night of Shiva] and not "Shankar-Ratri [Night of Shankara]. God Father Shiva is beyond the sins [paap] and virtues [punya]; whereas the bodily human beings get entangled in the cycle of sins and virtues. Now you see, Shankar is seated in meditation. If he himself is a form of Supreme Soul [Parmatma] then whom is he meditating upon? If you visit the old temples you will observe a Shivling [Phallus like idol] kept in an important place in the centre and the idols of all other deities including Shankar are placed around the Shivling. What does it prove? Among the 33krores deities, the deity Shankar is the Dev-Dev-Mahadev [Greatest of all the deities], but he is not the Supreme Soul. He is also sitting in front of Him and praying Him. In front of whom is he sitting? He is sitting in front of Shivling. Therefore, Shiva is the point of light [jyotirbindu], the Supreme Soul and Shankar is the one who plays the role of a Hero of this World Drama stage.

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